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Friday, April 29, 2011

We Meet again Black Butler..

Take a look at this face. This is the face of pure evil, and the reason I returned to watch the rest of the Black Butler series.Believe it or not this is not only a guy (blew me away) but also the secret identity of this guy- The dark haired one was named Grekk a typically clumsy of a rich lady in the series. He acted as the contrast for the perfect Butler of the series, Sebastian. I was initially nnoyed and bored by Grell, because he was only present for slapstick. But a few episodes after I stopped watching a friend of mine was telling me about the awesome new shinigami in the series (death demon for those of you who never got around to watching deathnote). I was curious because he was telling me how this new antagonist was responsible for the deaths of characters that had been attriuted to others. And when I finally draggedmyself away from the new episodes of Hellsing I was initially frustrated and confused when I saw meek Grell standing over the body of one of the characters but by the end of the episode he was the psycho looking red-head pictured below. I've only seen two episodes with this Grell, but I all ready love him: He's creepy, insane, plus he carries a chainsaw/sickle that makes Sebastian's perfect silverware look like well...silverware. Long story short...I have returned to the dark side (jaja pun)

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hello my name Is Katherine, and I'm a nerdy shopaholic

Privet! Since I have been informed that people I actually will have contact with will be viewing this blog so I have decided just this once to blog about something somewhat normal...places to shop online that are better than amazon and ebay. Today while skimming youtube i came across an awesome/disturbing commercial (look up das beer boot if you're curious) for a site called vat19. It boasted curiously awesome gifts and on further inspection they were right. In the six minutes I've been on the site I've been tempted to buy magnet putty, a straw construction set, a giant gummybear (pictured above) and an AK-47 water gun among other things. If you want to check it out its a great place to buy wonderfully weird stuff. The other site I wanted to talk about was introduced to me by a friend. Thinkgeek.com is a lot like vat19 but more nerd oriented. This is the place you'd go to find things like atomic laser pointers or self DNA testing kits, but the main reason I like it is they have a wide variety of DOMO products and seem to have a thing for reinventing chopsticks and selling Asian cookbooks. Thank you kindly for your limited attention span and please read again...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well this is Ironic

Hey peoples of the world! Yeah I'm back...I've been gone for forever haven't I? The only reason I've remebere this little blog was because I am currently in computer lab "learning" to use this site. I'm sure people will be looking at this- and probably grading this- but I doubt my content will hold their attention for more than twelve sentences. Well school distracts me from whats really important here doesn't it? But don't worry I've been up to my heta-nnigans as usual. Namely watching the new episodes that have come out since I left-namely the super mega awesome Nordic episode. Yes, its official Iceland and Norway have finally spoken more than two lines in an episode. Not only that they got an entire story line! The main characters haven't even had a legit plot in months. But the bits with Denmark were my favorite...even if he only had a cameo before this I've loved him since the manga-how can you not like someone who carries a viking ax? The other episode was less memorable but still awesome. It featured Italy and France meeting up on that island that seems to be in every episode. Eventually we have a two minute montage of nothing but Germany being repeatedly being punched and poked by Russia and England. Its the main template for the rest of the series, but the fact Seychelles makes her appearance at the end made it noteworthy. Thanks for your limited attention...